Wednesday, September 05, 2007


In the practice of meditation, we are trying to plant a seed of mindfulness-awareness; we are trying to plant a seed of less habitual, less animal-like instinct. Rats always go for cheese, and rabbits always go for carrots, but we could do better than that. As human beings, we could always go for sanity. We don't always have to think immediately, for our own sake, of our own comfort alone. But right from the moment when cognitive mind begins to function, we could think in terms of something more than self-interest.
From "Mindfulness Discipline: Cutting the Root of Cause and Effect," in THE 1980 HINAYANA-MAHAYANA TRANSCRIPTS, page 24. All material by Chogyam Trungpa is copyright Diana J. Mukpo and used by permission. OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 5, 174 subscribers. Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: Carolyn Rose Gimian Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications, the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources. TO SUBSCRIBE visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:

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